Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hello, England ! Hello, Korea !

Every now and again I check to see who is reading this blog. Amazingly, I've noted that in this past week, nearly 10% of my readers live in England, with another 3% tuning in from South Korea.

Why England? Well, first, I love England. Although I've yet to visit, it's high on my list of travel priorities and my daughter spent the entirety of her summer last year teaching in Liverpool, travelling to Ireland and Whales, and talking up her dad's blog. So maybe that explains some of the "hits" from across the pond. Hang with me, England . . . I'll get to your shores very soon!

As for South Korea, I do have one book, Candles in the Dark, that was translated into Korean some years ago, so perhaps I've picked up a few groupies from that title. I'd love to visit South Korea, too. I like sushi and all things Asian.

Or, perhaps these various hits from around the world could simply be attributed to mistakes. I know that, with all the gizmos and gadgets we now live with, it would be easy to press a wrong button or skim a backspace key and suddenly discover this blog. If this is the case, I apologize to the ten percent who can't use a cell phone properly. I certainly don't want my English or Korean friends to get their first impressions of America from my blog. God forbid. If this is the case, I'm sure there are many hanging out in Liverpool pubs right now saying, "I say, old chap, have you visited the Yankee's blog lately? Sorry display of American sensibilities if I do say so . . . and a sad commentary on the intellectual climate of their English majors."

Again, I apologize. I'm just trying to write good humor borne of my reading/writing habits . . . and if you don't understand me, it's not your fault. There's a cultural gap.

And speaking of gap . . . perhaps we could agree that we all like green vegetables. Don't we have that in common? All I am saying is, give peas a chance!

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