Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Translations I'd Like to See

Sure, any publisher can find some bozo overseas who will translate a book into Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, or even Polish, but how about digging up some really obscure languages? And since none of my books have been successful in the English language, I'd love to see a few of my titles translated into:

Still a mystery language. No scholar has been able to crack the Etruscan lingo. These pre-Roman salt-makers and warriors are an enigma, and I'd love to see someone translate one of my books into this language. Besides, I had a few years of Latin in college (studying Ovid, Virgil, and others), studied Greco-Roman culture and Near Eastern languages in seminary . . . and quite frankly, I'm sick of the Romans. Bring on the Etruscans and let's have something new.

I don't know, I'd just like to say I had a book translated in Swahili. I like the sound of it. Jambo! Abadi-gani!

Not too far from Hoosierland, there are an entire race of people who speak in an other-worldly accent. Let's get some books translated for these fine folks. Ya'll come-n over and read-a-spell on the front porch'n I'll bring some sun tea and wa'il hav'us a grand ol'time a sippin' an'a pee'in. Ya'll bring your yung'ns, too cauz we' got us a barrel-ring.

Author Note: This blog is an equal-opportunity offender and is written for Hoosiers and Kentuckians alike. If the author has offended anyone with his wit, he apologizes for the inconvenience. All complaints should be submitted in Homeric Greek at this blogging address and will be responded to in the order in which they are received.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

Loved this entry! Made me laugh! Here's a Kentuckian joke for you: Q:Do you know why there is no ice in Kentucky? A:The old lady who knew the recipe died!
Thank God for the Ohio River! Otherwise we [Hoosiers] would all be Kentuckians!