Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Out of the Salt Shaker

How do I begin to review Mark Kurlansky's excellent book on Salt, apply-titled, Salt: A World History? This is a book about . . . well, salt. And what a book it is. Do you know the history and significance of salt? Did you know that the word "salary"comes from the root word for salt, when people were paid in salt? Or how about the history of the phrases: "Salt away" or "Worth your salt?" Kurlansky's book will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about salt and it's place in human history. Wars have been fought over salt. Millions of lives destroyed for this mineral. Oh, yes. All for salt!

This book even provides a history of the many ways that salt has been used to help men become better lovers. Yes, women used to salt their men. No, I have not been salted. But . . . .

Kurlansky really stretched my imagination. I just didn't know that ordinary table salt could be used in so many ways.

In the past, I'd only used salt for two reasons: to kill slugs, and on popcorn. Guess I should try combining the two sometime.

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