Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pieces of My Mind

From time to time, I like to offer people some of my wisdom . . . you know, little odds-n-ends I've picked up over the years, but which might add up to something life-changing.

For example, last night I was giving some of my wisdom to Logan, who was asking me questions about the stock market (yes, he's already started investing in high school, just like I did) and about how to start his own business without going to college (the kid is definitely entrepreneurial, though stupid and stubborn).

But I was trying to make him think. For example, did you know . . .

. . . that if it were not for electricity, we would all be watching television by candlelight?

. . . that if your parents did not have children, there is a very good chance you won't have children either?

. . . that morticians have wonderful lay-away plans?

. . . that you can buy most things with cash, which is just as good as money?

Think about it!

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