Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Reading Dog Food

Last week I discovered a box of doggie treats . . . a leftover supply from Buster's years in the house (before he was eaten by coyotes).  For some reason I felt compelled to read the "food" label on the side of the doggie treat box and noted that there's not much difference between a doggie treat and a hot dog.  Many of the same ingredients and preservatives.  For all I know, the doggie treats might be more tasty. 

One of the more interesting ingredients in the doggie treat, however, was something called "natural expectorant" . . . or, in other words, vomit.  Seems this is what gives the doggie treat its great taste, and why dogs gobble 'em up like week-old road kill.

Do we really want to know what's in our food these days?  I have a feeling some of these "natural" flavorings and "natural" colorings might be far more natural than we realize.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all the hot dogs in my fridge.  I ate a ton on the 4th of July and they are still there.  A hot dog never goes bad.  They just linger.

I'll probably eat a hot dog again this fall.  But I'm not reading the label.

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