Friday, September 3, 2010

Mark My Words

This past Monday my wife began her evening classes again (to become a principal), and with that also attendant are my editing services while she is writing her many and varied papers. I was forced to read one of those papers again last night and make editorial changes (hopefully for the better). But if she receives a bad grade, don't blame me, Mandingo!

Although this next year is going to be excruciating--evening classes, papers to write, 120 hours of job shadowing, and many, many all-night vigils at the keyboard and no weekend rest--I am looking forward to calling my wife, "Principal Outcalt". It will bring a whole new light to being spanked by the principal.

Until then, I've got term papers to grade. Lots of 'em. I've got rewrites to do. I've got deadlines to meet. And most of these are for Becky. She writes all of her own material, I just try to make it better.

Some day we will look back on these odd and lonely days and laugh. Remember when I had to write five papers in one week? Remember when I read two books in one night? Yeah, I do.

And you can bet there will be some evenings when I will join her in this lunacy. While she's writing all night on the subject of school leadership, I'll be writing about anything that grabs my interests: gophers, perhaps, or trying to answer the question about how they get ink into the tubes inside a ball point pen.

How do they get the ink in there, anyway? Heck, that's at least a 2000 word paper. Better get on that one today.

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