Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am rather burned out on reading, but I did finish this book by Lee Iacocca last week, Where Have All the Leaders Gone? Iacocca writes with passion and persuasion (or at least his writer has transcribed his notes well, since I know Iacocca didn't actually write this book). There was one concept about leadership and organization that I will bring away from this one, however. Really struck me.

Iacocca says that any organization's success can be boiled down to basics in two parts. I'm inclined to agree. Here they are:

People & Priorities

In other words, a great leader surrounds himself/herself with capable and gifted people (then turns them loose to do their thing). The team works the organization on the same page because they share the same priorities. Very simple, but accurate no matter what the size, scope, or purpose of the organization.

Organizations don't work well when either: the people who work the organization are not the right people OR the priorities are not clear, or accepted, or pursued with dogged determination.

I like his stuff. That's why my marriage has worked for twenty-five years. I found the right person (my wife) and she pursues the priority in her life with myopic intent (making me happy). I have first-hand experience. This stuff works.

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