Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mixed Nuts

Some random thoughts on a very early Tuesday morning . . . .

Books on my "To Read" shelf now include a biography of Stan Musial, Mornings on Horseback (a biography of Teddy Roosevelt), and Mr. Olympia: A History (history of the top "professional" bodybuilding competition).

If I read Mr. Olympia, will I be inspired to be the first in the gym this morning (although I have never taken steroids)?

I began a new book proposal last night and plan to finish it by week's end.  Should top out at 40+ pages . . . not bad for a proposal.

A recent article about publishing informed me that the book publishing industry--quite to the contrary of naysayers--actually grew in the last quarter.  Both print books and digital books outsold from the previous quarter.  Do people read more when the economy is bad?  Might be an interesting study on its own right.

My daughter is receiving the top dean's list award from the Ball State School of Education on Saturday.

My son was one of five seniors chosen to "compete" in the annual Mr. Bulldog competition at Brownsburg High School.

My wife is assuming new responsibilities at her school in October.

I am assuming nothing.

Yesterday I was talking to another writer who informed me that his publisher recently declared bankruptcy.  He received a letter informing him that he would not receive royalties due on his book sales.  Might the publisher at least have the courtesy to send him the remaining inventory of his books?

I eat a lot of nuts.

Love sunflower seeds.

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