Friday, September 2, 2011

4 Hours a Week

The most recent issue of The New Yorker featured an article about self-help guru Timothy Ferriss and his two mega-selling books:  The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman and The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich.

Here on the cusp of a Labor Day weekend I suppose the editors were apt to publish something about labor and the "new" and shifting attitudes about the place that work and employment has in our lives and in society.  According to Ferriss, our work can be intense, short bursts of engagement that produces spectacular results, giving us all the ability to earn millions and travel anywhere in the world. Same with fitness and sex (4-Hour Body).

Naturally, the more people buy Ferriss's books, the richer he becomes and the less he has to do, giving him the impression that anyone can piggy-back on his philosophies and achieve the same results.  Ahhh, the sweet smell of success . . . according to Ferriss.

I'm going to read Ferriss's books (when I find them on the remaindered table), but obviously Ferriss is not a married man (and he has no children).  4-Hours a week obviously wouldn't cut it for most people . . . and as for getting a 4-Hour body or enjoying 4-hour sex . . . well, this guy is 4-hour nuts.  But people like to read nuts.  They'll buy nuts.  People crave nuts.  Salted or otherwise.

One of the nuttiest components of Ferriss's philosophy is his insistence that everyone who wants a 4-hour life can hire a personal assistant in some other country to keep the calendar, answer e-mails, and otherwise keep another person's life on track.  According to Ferriss, if I hire an assistant in, say, Cairo, Egypt to keep my calendar, answer and write emails, and organize my life, this frees me up to actually live my life.  I don't have to know my personal assistant, we never have to meet, and the world is my oyster.

Yeah, give me a break!

I doubt anyone would want to be my personal assistant anyway.  What would he/she do?  "Here, answer these fifty emails for me and write a few facebook entries so people will think I'm alive."

No, the kind of things that would make my life easier would include someone to mow my lawn, or take out the trash, or scrub cat puke out of the carpeting.  Anyone in Uruguay want to fly in once a week to do laundry and wash the dishes?  How about someone in Canada who would drive down once a month to coordinate my calendar with my wife's so we could figure out when to have this 4-hour tantric sex session that Ferriss touts?  This 4-hour stuff intrigues me.

But I can't even find 4-hours a year for this kind of activity!  Does Ferriss know how busy I am?   

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