Monday, June 13, 2011

Cajun Compositions

Becky called from New Orleans last night to inform me, not only that she had safely arrived at the teachers' conference, but that she was enjoying some of the best shrimp she'd ever eaten.  Back at the homestead, our fare was scrambled eggs and toast.

My only consolation in receiving these nightly updates will be the fact that, in lieu of having any evening church meetings this week, I will be able to write away for seven consecutive nights without any interruptions.  (When the wife is home she can't keep her hands off me! And if you believe this . . . well, let me just say I'd have a better chance of being grabbed by the Maytag Repairman.)

I'm working hard at present to complete a very massive book (how does nearly 600 double-spaced pages grab ya'?) and first thing this morning my agent wrote (love saying that) to inform me that she was getting close to submitting another book for editorial rounders in New York.  I also had emails from editors at The Louisville Review and a British Methodist periodical inviting me to submit post-query . . . which is a nice, shrimpy touch. 

As for dinner tonight, I'm planning on driving through Taco Bell (if only I could figure out what their primary cuisine is!) and then I'm hitting the keyboard hard for hours on end. 

Call me if you like . . . I'll be up late . . . just like those folks who fix the tacos.

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