Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Writing My Weight Loss

Okay, now this is getting weird. Over the past two weeks I've had several people ask me questions like: "Hey, haven't you lost weight?" or "At your age, how do stay in shape?" or "Are you really going to try and lift that?" One guy at the gym last week, a complete stranger, thought I was insane for working out at 6 a.m. after hiking six miles the day before.

But here's the deal. Yes, I've lost about five pounds in a week. Yes, I am going to lift that much. And yes, I still do it despite having two bad knees and a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder. At long last I'm actually beginning to see evidence of my six-pack again. I now have a two pack, and making progress.

A couple of weeks ago, my son set up a makeshift gym in our garage complete with bench, squat rack, pull-down, dip and pullup unit, and lots of torturous-looking barbells and dumbbells. Sometimes I work out with him, kicking his scrawny little butt in the 95-degree heat that settles into the garage like a blast furnace. But hey, when you sweat, you lose weight, and as they say, "No pain, no gain."

Because I've been so inspired to keep pumping the iron of late, I've also resurrected a couple of fitness articles which I've sent out to editors in Canada and California. Writing doesn't burn many calories. But some time I'll have to do some research and figure out how many calories one could burn from writing, say, a blog like this.

Might be interesting to know how many blogs I'd have to write in order to lose a pound.

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