Monday, July 12, 2010

Drive Time Interview

On Sunday I played hookie from our early worship hour and granted a one hour, Sunday morning drive-time interview with Sharon & "X" at a radio station in Nashville, TN. They did a great job, and I thank them. I'm not sure how much I had to offer, though, on the subject of Christian Living. Host Sharon was very humorous, though, and I appreciated her down-home and earthy approach to faith and life. No fundamentalist or religious mumbo jumbo or cliches on her show, and I appreciated that most of all.

This will likely be the last of my interviews (for awhile, at least) and I'm eager to get back to writing what I want to write.

Last night I also discovered two other rejections in my email "in-box" and then, much to my surprise, a rather effervescent response from another editor to one of my essays. Essentially, while he didn't want to publish what I'd sent him, he did open the door for me to submit another idea or two on spec with the promise to review them quickly. Well, okay then.

My final efforts before bed last night also saw me sitting on the couch, addressing a dozen or so envelopes to various literary magazines. I'm creating my new "fall line-up" and will soon be going to the post office to buy a truckload of stamps. I'm so glad I don't have to lick those things any more. Peel-n-stick are great.

Now, all I have to do is mail the suckers before the rates increase . . . again!

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