Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reading Glasses

Age eventually catches us in its long grasp . . . and for me, one of the deepest frustrations is my inability to see the printed page. I now have several pair of reading glasses floating around the house and office, and I find myself reaching for them often.

Each pair of glasses gives me a different appearance.

I have a brown pair that Becky says makes me "look like a geek."

I have a yellow pair that makes me "look like a freak."

And I have a black pair that makes me look like "Clark Kent".

The latter is about the closest I can get to looking like Superman. So I wear these glasses around the house when I'm reading. I take my shirt off and flex my pecs while I'm eating nachos and licorice whips. This is the closest I can come to impressing Becky with my strength and acumen. But I must not be "super" enough because she always tells me to get some clothes on. My son turns away in disgust and begs me to allow him to move out of the house.

Can reading glasses really do this to a person . . . reduce a man to Clark Kent in the eyes of his family? Don't they see the "super" me lurking behind the lenses?

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