Monday, February 1, 2010

Fantastic Four

Last year (2009) I had a goal of writing four books. I didn't achieve that goal. I did write two books, and a rather impressive slate of essays and articles, but I did not rise to the dais with the prize. This year, I am renewing my goal of writing four books.

Currently, I have these four books (all in proposal form) in circulation with publishers. I'll save time and not mention what all of these books are about (and I don't want to jinx the projects by talking about them too much . . . but that's my hangup).

Book Number One has been making the rounds in New York and elsewhere, and at least twenty publishers have or will be taking a look at it. This book would take me at least two years to research and write, and I am hoping and praying I get to write it. I wouldn't get this book written in 2010, nor 2011 either, but it sure would be fun to get an official "okie-dokie" to get crackin'.

Book Number Two exists as a kind of "promise". I've had one publisher tell me: "We would publish this book, but can't do it in 2011. If we did publish this one--which is great book, by the way--we'd be placing it on our 2012 list and you can decide if you want to wait that long." Okay, sounds good . . . but I'm gonna sleep on that one.

Book Number Three is still being reviewed by a publisher who just sent me an email last week. They have had this book for over a year and are still considering it, they tell me. Okay, slow as molasses is still sweet, but really, what's the hold-up? Make a decision already, Mr. Publisher!

Book Number Four is "in my head". All of it. In fact, it's a book that, if published, I can say that I've worked on for twenty years. It's been in my noggin a long time, great chunks of work that I just need the time to transcribe. Actually, if I had an uninterrupted week free of wife, kids, and other elements of humanity or conversation; if I could live on coffee and black licorice for a week, I could get this one done with several days of frantic typing. But what's fun about that? Still, I'm going to get this one written this year. It's been in my head too long and I need to make room in my cerebellum for more Andy Griffith Show trivia.

I hope all of this falls into place this year . . . but if not, I'll just get a little more sleep.

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