Tuesday, February 16, 2010

And Here's The Kicker . . .

I have a new favorite book for 2010 (so far). It is Mike Sachs's wonderful series of interviews with comedy and humor writers entitled: And Here's the Kicker . . .

Some great stuff here, and some fantastic interviews with top comedy writers like David Sedaris and Al Jaffe. I couldn't put this book down, and I carried it to bed with me several nights. (I didn't read it in bed, I just carried it to bed and slept with it under my pillow since Becky was already asleep and there was nothing better to do!)

About the time I was cracking the pages of this book, I also ran across one of Mike Sachs's own pieces of humor in The New Yorker, and I devoured that, too. Naturally, he has a flair for interviewing top humor writers, and this is a must-have book for anyone who aspires to write humor for television, movie, or magazine.

I enjoyed this book so much, I was always laughing out loud (LOL--I just learned what this means!) and saying stuff like, "Hey, sugar, you'll never guess who wrote Caddyshack!" or "Holy Mother-of-Pearl, I didn't know MAD magazine was adult humor!"

Reluctantly, I place this book on the dusty receptacle of my overstuffed bookshelf, but I'll be reading this one again very soon.

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