Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Reading Vs. Writing

Sooner or later I end up facing the conundrum: Do I read, or do I write? For the past month, writing has clearly won out. I've had far more sermons to write, first of all, and have also written a sizable stack of cards and letters, a string of emails, and a rather sumptuous blend of business correspondence. And I'm not even going to mention the essays, stories, and new book proposals that have spared for my attentions after the sun goes down.

Still, I miss my reading. I think I have replaced NCAA basketball for reading on some occasions, but I've also done both. (I can read while watching BB, but it's tough to write and watch BB at the same time.)

What I've learned through the years is that, when the writing muse is calling, better heed the song and write. And that's what I've done.

And my books? The unread stack in the office is larger now, thicker, wider. But I'll get to them. Some will wait a year or two, or more, but eventually they'll wind their way into my hands. And I've got some vacation coming up this summer, too. That's always good for a half dozen books.

Until then . . . back to the writing corner. I'm going to knock someone's block off.

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