Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Book Questions

I always get a kick out of the questions people ask whenever I have a new book published. Here are the top questions people ask . . . these are all legitimate. But please disregard my responses if they come off sounding flippant. But really, think about the answers, they are quite profound and philosophical!

Q: Where can I find your book?
A: In bookstores.

Q: What's in your book?
A: Words, paragraphs and ideas.

Q: Did you really write this?
A: No, they just put my name on the front cover for the heck of it.

Q: How do you find time to write books?
A: How does a person find time to watch Dancing With the Stars and American Idol and David Letterman and the NCAA Basketball Tournament?

Q: How long did it take you to write this book?
A: It took hours, days, weeks, years, and decades.

Q: When did you start writing this book?
A: I started writing it the moment I learned how to write in the first grade.

Q: Why are you such a smart ass?
A: I was born this way.

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