Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Writing Sermons

Writing yesterday's blog, it occurred to me that when people ask me about writing (particularly other pastors) they may really be asking: "How do you have time to write anything other than a sermon each week?"

Well, now that's a legit question. Allow me to give a demented answer.

My sermon prep is a lot like brewing a pot of coffee. First, I clean out the old grounds (I dump last week's message out of my brain . . . and I do this every Sunday at 12:15 p.m.). Out with the old, in with the new. Then I add a new filter to make a new pot (I begin doing this Sunday at 12:16 p.m. on the drive home from church). Then, at various stages during the week, I add fresh coffee, add water, turn the little light on, wait a spell, and then add cream and take a sip to see how it tastes. If I don't like the flavor, I add more cream, etc. until I can stand to drink what I've manufactured.

It's the same with a sermon . . . but with a few caveats.

Caveat one: Sometimes I dream a sermon (really!). I wake up, write the whole sucker down, and I've got the message. These are usually my worst messages. And if you've ever heard one of my sermons where you've said to yourself, "He must have been asleep when he wrote that one", well, I probably was.

Caveat two: Sometimes I mow a sermon. Same as above, but I get the sermon while riding the lawn mower. Maybe you've said to yourself, "He must have been inhaling grass when he wrote that sermon", well, I probably was.

Caveat three: Sometimes I receive a sermon directly from God. Well, it does happen. Maybe you have said to yourself, "He must have gotten that sermon from God, 'cause he certainly couldn't have written that one hisself!" Well, you are right.

Anyway, I do write sermons, too. And many of them I have already completed. I have them in a holding file in my mind years in advance. For example, believe it or not, I already have my Easter message completed (holding here in my mind) for 2010. My message will be entitled, "Don't be amazed!"
Isn't that amazing?

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