Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Book Club

On Friday night Becky and I were invited to attend an in-home book study group. We didn't know these fine people, but for some reason they were studying my book, The Best Things in Life Are Free, and they wanted to meet the author. They served us a nice meal, some very delicious dessert, and afterwards discussed one of the chapters in the book.

Now, it's been ten years since I wrote that book, and I felt rather silly admiting I didn't remember why I wrote what I wrote or that I couldn't remember what was in each chapter. Too many words have flowed under the bridge since then. Still, it was fascinating listening to people talk about what the book means to them, and what they are taking away from it, and how it has helped them. I felt like an actual writer!

Later, they asked me to talk about what I'm currently working on. I told them about the two books that will be published in 2009, but didn't have the heart to tell them about my blog, or about the dog book that I'm working on (which is, without doubt, going to be the zaniest piece of work I've done in years and will be borderline insane), or the half dozen articles I've completed recently for various magazines.

They wondered how I had the time to write at all. And, again, I didn't have the heart to tell them that I write most of my stuff in long, sustained eight to sixteen hour outburts of Friday energy, or that I often have to stay up half the night with a pot of coffee to meet a deadline. In essence, I don't have time to write at all . . . but then, who has time to watch a Colts game, or play a round of golf, or sit in front of the tube three hours a night? Writing is simply a choice one makes over other pursuits.

I'm just glad they wanted to read one of my books before it goes out of print.

And my wife told me on the way home, "I think they liked you!"

I'm not sure about that . . . but I liked them. I'll talk to any book group who serves us a mean slice of sugar creame pie! Just ask me!

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