Sunday, April 27, 2008


Book #23 for 2008 is now shelved: Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex, by Mary Roach. A great book--insightful, educational, and deliciously quirky. But mostly, this book just made me laugh. I love Mary Roach's style and really enjoyed her first book: Stiff (about cadavers, among other curiously dead objects). I now must buy her second book, Spook.

While reading Bonk, I would frequently interject some inane tidbit of sexually curious information into conversations with my wife. She loved it. And last night she asked, "Say, are you finished reading that Bonk book? I'd like to read it now."

"Yes," I said. "I'm finished. Bonk away."

1 comment:

Michelle Kallock Knight said...

Sometimes I wonder if your blog leans out of the G rating or even out of the PG rating... yet it does make me laugh!