Friday, November 4, 2011


Disney taught me how to spell Encyclopedia.  Or, rather, it was Jiminy Cricket singing, "E-N-C-Y-C-L-O-P-E-D-I-A!" 

Now I've written an encyclopedia of my own:  The Youth Ministry Encyclopedia. has been carrying it for a few months . . . Kindle format.  The subtitle of this book points out the obvious: that this is the biggest, baddest, most comprehensive book of youth activities, games and lessons ever assembled.  Well, it might actually be.  Anyone downloading this monster into his Kindle or iPad is going to eat up some serious hard-drive gigabytes.  This is the biggest book I've yet written.  It's a MONSTER!

So, all you youth directors, youth pastors, youth workers out there . . . better grab a copy of this one!  I started working with teenagers when I was nineteen years old and this book has over forty years of material under the sails.  I'm not kidding . . . it's a whopper!  If you download it, you might even think the book is never going to end, and you may have trouble finding the last page.  But just keep reading, jotting notes, trying some of the hundreds of ideas inside.

How's that for a commercial?

That's why I'm calling it an Encyclopedia.  And once YOU learn how to spell it, you'll discover that it's an amazing youth ministry resource. 

Ask Jiminy.

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