Friday, October 28, 2011

Put Up Your Duke

I shall be submitting a brief bio for the next Duke Alumni magazine, but it's always tough to know what to write.  My main goal is to let folks now of the publication of He Said/She Said: Biblical Stories From a Male and Female Perspective (with Michelle). Maybe that's all that needs to be said.

But I could add more.

How about:

 . . . Following the publication of the book, the male author intends to have a publication party at his house, which will entice him to pour a fresh coat of white gravel in his driveway.


. . . Unless people buy this book, it won't be in print long.


. . . We know that Duke grads rarely read these bios, they are so busy making millions, but we hope you will share the information about this book with ten of your co-workers. But we warn you not to break the chain, otherwise something very bad will befall you (like losing to UNC, or losing both of your big toes in a tractor-trailer accident).  Make sure you write your letters today and send them to ten friends (and be sure to mention the book title).  If you do this you will have one year's worth of good luck, including, but not limited to, finding coupons in your Sunday paper that you can actually use, or dousing for an oil well, or getting a raise.  We can't guarantee any of these, of course, but you'd better write those letters just in case.

My Duke education . . . a great investment. 

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