Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Horse is a Horse of Course of Course

Now and again I go searching for a story that I wrote so many years ago, I have no idea where to find it. Recently, I've been driving myself nuts searching for a story entitled, "Every Boy and His Horse." As I remember it, it was a very nice tale, and I think I can do something with it.

Finding it, of course, is another matter entirely.

I wrote this story so long ago, I know it was saved on a Tandy 1000 floppy disk (one of those large disks that looked like a frisbee). I still have these, and the old Tandy computer, so I guess I could fire it up and do a search.

But I also have a printed copy in a tall stack of old manuscripts somewhere in my writing closet. I'll find it. Somehow.

A horse story, you ask? Yes, a horse story. But you have to realize that I grew up watching Mr. Ed, the talking horse. What show. Willllbbbbuuuurrrrr.

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