Monday, May 10, 2010

Finish Lines

There are some writing projects that defy completion. One of these, for me, is a novel that I have worked on for years (make that decades).

I'm now nearing the completion of this massive work, but the closer I get the finishing lines, the more difficult the work becomes. It's an oddity.

If my past serves as a guide, I'll likely finish this book off some afternoon or evening, or perhaps on some rainy day . . . I'll write those final lines (which are actually the first chapter of the book), an then I'll have something.

Finishing this thing will also give me an element of personal satisfaction, as I will be able to say, "I wrote another one." My kids will shrug. My wife will yawn and remind me, "So what, your books don't sell!"

And after that, I'll start another book . . . and I have several titles I've been working on:

Let Her Down Easy: A Unique Weight-Training Program Using Your Wife as a Weight
Going Nuts: Making Your Own Trail Mix Using Cashews, Peanuts, and Pistachios
Under Wear: How to Get Forty Years Out of Your High School Wardrobe from the 1970s.
Oragami With Toilet Paper: Ten Animals You Can Make in Ten Minutes While You're Sitting on the Throne

Which one should I write next?

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