Sunday, June 28, 2009

What's His Name?

I have just returned from annual conference where, much to my surprise, I took the stage for the ordination service as three different people. Or, I should say, there were three different spellings for my name that appeared in the various programs and bulletins that were distributed.

To some, I was Tod Outcault (not a bad try at the spelling, but slaughtering my first AND last names is just plain weird).

To others, I was Todd Allcott (one of the more interesting attempts at spelling from "sound", but at least this person did spell my first name correctly).

And then, to others, I was Todd O. (I guess this person just wasn't going to attempt the last name, or just gave up).

Funny thing about a name like mine. People might know, but even the best of friends can't spell my name. But I'm used to it. Just call me Todd. Or Alleycat. Or O. I'll answer to most anything.

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