Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Heath Brothers

I've enjoyed reading Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip & Dan Heath. This newest book by the Heath Brothers is a great read, and has implications for business, family, or any organization. Their first book, Made to Stick, was the top business book last year . . . and I'd recommend Switch to anyone who is struggling to move forward through life, especially if goal-setting and disciplines are difficult.

I've been familiar, of course, with Heath all of my life. My grandfather owned and operated a small country store in Heathsville, Illinois for decades. This little burg, population 5, was the original birthplace of the man who created the Heath candy bar. These are manufactured, still, in Robinson, Illinois, and my cousin, Brad, is a foreman there.

I've enjoyed Heath candy bars for years, and if you've not eaten one, look for 'em.

Of course, currently, I'm not eating candy bars. In fact, I've lost over ten pounds now in less than a month. I'm lean (er), mean(er), and beginning to really change the shape and contour of my body. I'm also weak, irritable, and extremely hungry . . . but that's another matter and another blog for another day.

Enjoy the Heath bros books, and have a candy bar while you're reading.

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