Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Love Boat: Pre-Launch

Before Becky and I set sail on our 25th wedding anniversary cruise to the Caribbean, I thought I might want to make some changes. Perhaps Becky might enjoy taking a cruise with another man, I thought . . . and so I decided to shave my moustache the night before our departure. This was more difficult than you might think, as I have had my moustache since I was 19 years old (or, for those who want to keep count, for the past 30 years).

Here is a photo of me before the shaving, and me after.

Comments ranged from:

Dad, you look like an even bigger dork now! (Logan, age 15)
Dad, grow it back. You don't look the same! (Chelsey, age 19)
It makes you look so much younger, but I'm not sure I can get used to it (Becky)

Still, after 30 years, perhaps it was time to try something new. And what better time than before the anniversary cruise. My hope was that it might inspire Becky somehow. But would shaving my upper lip have any effect? Would she go for this younger version of the old me?

And, an even bigger question: Would writing a ten page love letter to my wife be a true demonstration of my ultimate power as a writer? Do love letters really work?

Let's set sail and find out . . . .