Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gray Hair and Rocking Chairs

It has finally happened to me: the onset of senility. How do I know this? Well, this afternoon, on this rainy 4th of July, I realized that I would rather sit in a rocking chair and read a book instead of watching television, watching a movie, or listening to a CD (or, if you got 'em, an IPod).

Currently I am reading The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal, by David McCullough. It's a big book, and at 600+ pages, worthy of my time and fascination. It was, however, most difficult this afternoon to read about the thousands of workers who died of Malaria and Yellow Fever during the creation of the canal. The undertaking was immense and, even by today's standards, something of a miracle that human beings were able to cut a swath through a rain forest connecting Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

I also managed to do some writing this morning as well . . . and I'm fast at work on creating a new book proposal that I hope to have completed in a couple of weeks.

And while I'm rocking, I'm waiting. Waiting on the delivery of my author's copies of The $5 Youth Ministry (book number 18 for me). Hope it sells. After all, I can't rock forever, and someday I'm going to have to buy myself a suite in a nursing home.

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