Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I confess. I cannot text message. Nor do I have any desire to do so. I watch my son walking around in a haze, fingering his cell phone, and I wonder, "What is the fascination?"

Texting also requires the learning of a new language. I like languages. I'm good at linguistics. I mean, there was a day when I worked in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, Syriac and Arabic (no joke). But I'm not going to learn a new language that reads:

HRU? Hp u r hvg a gd day. Hp u lm blog.

Heck, if I'm going to spend that much time learning a new language, I'm going to learn French, so I can go into a fancy restaurant and say:

I love zeez menu, monsieur. Zeez food iz super-duper. Bring on zee wine, women, and ze zong! Holy mackerel, zeez is great pizza! Adios.

Really, how do you text message your waiter?

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