Monday, January 19, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

Every now and then I do get my hackles up when I'm reading, and last night I found myself saying, "Are you kidding me?" over and over while I was reading the acknowledgment page in Robert Schuller's latest book (the younger Schuller who has inherited the Crystal Cathedral ministry from his father).

Now, I usually don't get upset when I read acknowledgement pages in books (really, I don't!), but Schuller kept after me with his inane blathering about how much time, energy, and sacrifice it took to write his book. And I quote:

[He, Schuller] "conceptualized and wrote the theses of the book while he was on retreat at a friend's lodge in the Grand Tetons in Jackson Hole, Wyoming." He also thanked "Dr. Phil McGraw and his wife Robin" because he is "blessed to have friends like them" [who will support and help market his book]. And he thanked the staff at the Crystal Cathedral for giving him "the time he needed" to write his book and for typing up his manuscripts!

Are you kidding me???

I certainly don't want to get defensive here, Mr. Schuller, but I've "conceptualized" books while driving my son to the orthodontist and while driving my wife home from breast cancer surgery. I have no one famous to thank, but I am grateful for all of my friends and family (especially my family) who have had to sit idly by during the long hours I sit up late at night writing (and I ain't living in no Jackson Hole, brother!). And no, Mr. Schuller, I can honestly say that I have not written a single book, article, essay or blog while divesting myself of pastoral responsibilities or asking others to take the helm or asking someone else to type my manuscript (can you even type at all, Mr. Schuller? I'll race you!).

So here's my question to Mr. Schuller: what the heck do you do when you are not in Jackson Hole or having tea with Mr. & Mrs. McGraw?

1 comment:

Michelle Kallock Knight said...

I hear yah. These types and their acknowledgements make me sick too. The rest of us life live, and do our passions.