Wednesday, September 3, 2008

She's Back

A couple of weeks ago I dropped my daughter at Ball State and thought it would be some time before I heard from her again. But she keeps writing, dropping me emails and such. I have to read these emails, of course.

A few days ago she informed me that Free the Slaves ( had done a profile of her on their web site. So I checked it out. You can too. Just type in "Chelsey Outcalt" on the search line and you'll get some fancy-looking photos and a profile of her efforts.

I typed in my name, too, and got nothing. But I haven't freed any slaves. My daughter has.

I am, however, hoping that some day I can free up some time to eat a box of donuts. These delicious little tidbits need attention, too. Dozens of them need my time and attention. Boxes of them.

I have an idea: what comes up on google when you type in "freethedonuts"?

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