Thursday, June 26, 2008

Writing Invitation

This past week I received a cursory assignment from an editor at HCI (Health Communications, Inc.) to submit some essays to a number of books that will be published through 2010. Last night I wrote two, about 2000 words, and they ain't bad.

One is about Becky's segwey into teaching, taking on a new career, and those challenges and sacrifices made by the family. I also wrote one about a friend who adopted a little boy some years ago. I hope to write three more essays before Sunday.

Health Communications continues to publish the Chicken Soup for the Soul titles and I always think they will run out . . . but the presses continue to roll.

HCI has been decent to me over the years, so I hope I can contribute something that might make a future book.

In the event that they are looking for more Chicken Soup titles, I've got a few they should try:
Chicken Soup for the Tired Pastor's Soul
Chicken Soup for the Dad with Two Teenagers Soul
Chicken Soup for the Pastor Who Eats Chicken Soup for Lunch Every Day
Chicken Soup for the Pastor Who Would Rather Eat Lobster Bisque
Chicken Soup for the College Parent's Soul
Chicken Soup for the Guy Who Drinks Eight Cups of Coffee After Midnight In Order to Write More Essays Soul

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