Friday, December 28, 2012

Coming Attractions

I don't have to have a crystal ball to foresee that 2013 is going to be one busy year.  Taking stock of my various writing assignments, I have deadlines galore:  some weekly, some monthly, and a few that round out on January 1, 2014.  Having picked up yet another semi-regular assignment over the Christmas break, I will be writing columns (weekly and monthly), book reviews, and various monthly articles for a few magazines.  All the while I will also have to be inching toward book deadlines at various points in the calendar.  I've already prepared Becky . . . and she's reviewing her 2013 calendar to determine when we can next have dinner together.  

It should be an interesting year if I don't die or get mauled by wolves.  Staying fit will be a necessity, and I am even now making plans to fine tune most mornings at 5 a.m. and eat my daily apple along with my donut.

Beyond all of this writing, however, I am looking forward to the following in 2013:

January 7
Seeing the youngest off to college again, which will also provide the opportunity to clean out the fridge and stock the pantry with food I like to eat:  Twinkies and such, if I can find 'em.

January 8
Launching my new Calvary blog ( for the church . . . full swing under the ludicrous concept that I might have something pastoral to say each day/week.

July 4 week
A beach vacation in South Haven, Michigan.

December 31, 2013
The final frontier for several contractual obligations.  It seems like a long way off now, but the key is writing every day . . . day after day. 

Check back soon for my 2012 retrospective.  And thanks for reading.


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