Monday, May 2, 2011


Here's another one from One Strange World . . . for all the teenagers and night owls and nappers among us. My son would read this one, but doesn't rise until one p.m., and he goes to bed at five in the morning.  I'll attach it the poem to the refrigerator door and see if he remembers it. 

Sleeping Late

I ain't
In the habit
Of sleeping late,
But if I'm up 'till ten
I might just sleep
'Till nine o'clock
Before my day begins.

And If I'm up
'Till one or two
(That's a.m., not p.m.)
I might get up
At half past noon
If I should take a whim.

But if I stay up
The whole night
And never sleep a wink . . .
I'll probably need
Two days and a half
To feel really rested . . .
I think.

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