Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Faithful Readers

I've been amazed by how many people are now reading my blog: family members, old friends, church members, a few people who hate my guts. Thanks for reading.

In case you haven't yet caught the theme of my blog--"Between Pages"--my blog is about the books I am reading and the writing I am engaged in (written, of course, in a humorous vein).

Still, there have been questions--most of them verbal. So let me answer a few of the more pressing questions you've asked of late.

Did you really write all of your Christmas cards before Thanksgiving?
Yes! My dog licked the stamps.
Do you really have a dog that sleeps on your pillow?
Yes! He also licks my stamps.
Do you really watch Andy Griffith Show reruns with regularity?
Yes! It's either that or have conversation with my wife.
Was your son really sick?
Yes! He is sick even as I write this (really). In fact, I gave him the sickness this time.
Do they speak Spanish in Brazil, or Portuguese?
It's Portuguese, gang. And the book is in Portuguese also. I will inform my mother of this so they won't cut off my thumbs when I visit.

1 comment:

Jay from Better said...

Herr Todd,gruesse aus Frankfurt. I have enjoyed your comments and look forward to reading more. I am enjoying the visit with my sons. Germany is rainy, most of the time but warmer than Indiana. I have mastered 60 steps to the flat..and we walk everywhere, but there is always a store at the end so I don't mind! Love to all the Calvary family, Judy Denhart