Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Am Happy to Inform You

Most every day, when I roll back into the house around 5 p.m. or so, I check my emails and my voice messages. And sometimes I am pleasantly surprised. Yesterday, when I settled in for the evening, I checked my emails and felt my heart leap at those six wonderful words that writers always love to hear/or read:

I am happy to inform you . . .

This one was from an editor who, over the past six months, has accepted about 75% of what I've written . . . and she actually pays me, too! In this instance, she was accepting an essay that will be included in a book entitled, The Ultimate Teacher. I wrote my wife's story (going back to school, becoming a rookie teacher at the age of 45, etc.). Becky read it last night for the first time, and I pointed out that this essay was the only piece of mine that she's read all year.

"This is the first thing you've written all year that was worth reading," was her snappy comeback.


I just hope she demonstrates that kind of wit in the classroom!

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