Friday, May 16, 2008


Over the past two years I've tried valiantly to shed some of the magazines from my life. For a time I thought that the mail delivery was the post office's way of dumping tonage at my door. But I've reformed. I'm getting leaner and meaner with my magazine subscriptions.

I'm not sure what my wife subscribes to, but I do note a few magazines like Better Homes and Gardens gracing our coffee table, and as far as I know, neither of our kids have been bitten by the magazine bug. They seem to get a lot of their reading material and news online.

But as for me . . .
I'm down now to The Christian Century (which I justify as a staple for pastoral prep and news), Money (which I read in order to stay up to date on how little money I have), and The Wittenburg Door (the world's pretty much only religious satire magazine . . . which I've written for for over twenty years now).

I also get National Geographic for the occassional nude photo.

All other magazines have gone the way of the DoDo bird. Free at last.

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