Sunday, May 18, 2008

Going to Heaven

A few days ago I finished reading a book written by Don Piper entitled, 90 Minutes in Heaven. It is Don's story about being pronounced dead after a car accident and his hour and a half trip upstairs. It's been a best-selling book, but I was a bit disappointed.

Don's near death experience landed him at the pearly gates (his description) and he heard angelic voices praising God, was reunited with loved ones, and was on his way toward the golden streets of paradise, when he was sent back to earth.

I'm not going to make light of what Don experienced . . . he got closer than I've ever been, but it left me wondering about some of my hopes for eternity. Actually, since Don is a better man than I am, I'll just settle for any of the following in my heavenly experience. I'd be satisfied to hear any of the following:

Didn't expect to see you up here . . . but come on in!

Well I'll be . . . I ain't seen you in a coon's age. What'cha been up to?

I'm sorry Mr. Outcalt, but you can't tip the gate keeper to get in. Just go around back to the service door and ask for Pete.

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