Monday, December 17, 2007

Reading Christmas Cards

It happens every year. About this time, the only reading I can squeeze into my life is my growing stack of Christmas cards. This year the stack has also swelled with photographs, clippings, and lengthy four-page histories written by those who want to tell me about their children, grand-children, and what they had for lunch a week ago last Wednesday. But I'm reading them all!

Among my cards this year, I have received two sent by bishops.
I've received many from families in the parish.
Everyone in my extended family has sent me a card (along with commentary lambasting me for being the first one to send them a card before Thanksgiving).
I've also heard from old friends.

My mom hasn't sent me a card yet. She gives me my card on Christmas day along with a large, unwrapped sack full of assorted clothing, much of it from Goodwill (she's very frugal). This is where I get my new suits and my supply of underwear for the year.

I can't wait till Christmas!

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